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A Perfect God, A Perfect Plan

There is a bible opened up and it is sitting on a desk with a black background

By: Robert E. Zink

November 13, 2023

"You, therefore, must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48)

These words speak of something special about the character of God. Here, in the Sermon on the Mount, our Lord Jesus Christ speaks of many things, and in this appeal, He reveals to us that our God is perfect. He is without fault, without flaw. The more I dwell upon this truth, the more I am amazed about who God is and the plan He has put into place.

Just pause a moment and consider the significance of that statement: God is perfect. That means that everything about Him is perfect. His complete character is without flaw. Therefore, His wisdom and knowledge are perfect. Do you understand what that means then? The significance is this: He has instituted various plans, practices, and procedures, and He has done so in consultation with that perfect knowledge and wisdom, which means they are perfect! The implication for us, then, is that all that He has said is reliable, and we need not fear the consequences of following His will because it is absolutely perfect.

But why do I talk about that here? If you're here, then you are seeking out words of wisdom about evangelism, discipleship, and missions because that is the purpose of this blog. However, the Lord's perfection influences all He is and all He does. And so, the truth that God is perfect also has grand implications for our evangelism, discipleship, and missions, and I think it is vital that we take note of that. Though we could probably spend significant time on this topic, I want to share with you three implications God's perfection has on evangelism, discipleship, and missions.

First, the Lord has perfectly defined the method to reach people. The Gospel of Mark records Jesus' command to proclaim the gospel to the whole of creation (Mark 16:15), while Matthew's record gets more specific, telling Christ's followers to make disciples (Matthew 28:19). In His own counsel, the Lord who is capable of all things, chose a method of utilizing His people to bring His truth into the lives of people. Because of who He is, as perfect, our trust goes towards trusting that this 'method' of making disciples is also perfect.

Our God has declared His desire to see people come to Him (1 Timothy 2:3-4). All that He does is a means for the Lord to glorify Himself and conform people to the image of His Son (Romans 8:28-29). This is the Lord's will from the beginning of time, and how is that fulfilled? By having His people proclaim His name and make disciples. So, by defining the perfect method to reach people, the Lord has also perfectly designed the plan for fulfilling His will. His will is to see people grow in Christlikeness, and the perfect means for that happening was instituted at the command to make disciples.

There is one final aspect in which God's perfection is displayed and influential. How does the Lord accomplish His will? By using imperfect people like you and I. Isn't it fascinating that God's perfect plan depends on imperfect people? And yet, if we trust the Lord's perfection, then we also have to trust that He has perfectly equipped us to accomplish whatever it is that He is planning to achieve through our encounters with others. Does this mean that we perfectly share the gospel or perfectly offer wise counsel at every instance? No. However, it means that God has adequately prepared us for that moment for whatever purpose He plans to accomplish (in our lives or the lives of others). What comes out of this truth, then, is confidence in the Lord so that we are not fearful of whatever encounter is placed before us at that moment.

The more I consider the Lord's will as revealed through His Word, the more I am amazed at how it discloses the perfect function of life (individually and in society). At every instance that I see trial and tribulation, I see how we have deviated from the Lord's will when sticking with it would have alleviated the suffering, dissension, etc. Indeed, if a perfect life is to be desired, then we only need to follow His perfect plan. It shouldn't be a surprise because all that He has instituted simply aligns with His perfect character.

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