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Engaging in the Noble War

Today many are engaged in various struggles and battles.... For you and me, the most noble cause is the war of the faith.
By: Robert Wright
September 16, 2024

Far & Wide: The Search for Qualified Missionaries – Getting Back ON Course

Not everyone being discipled will be called by the Lord to full-time ministry. Yet, efforts of discipleship are not wasted.
By: Robert E. Zink
September 9, 2024

Far & Wide: The Search for Qualified Missionaries-Getting Off Course

One of the critical intersections between the life of Christ and the life of Christ's followers is His pronouncement of the Great Commission
By: Robert E. Zink
September 2, 2024

Missions: A Place for Conviction

Whether we are pursuing missions or not, we should all be pursuing theology.
By: Robert E. Zink
August 26, 2024

For Such A Time As This: Stewarding God-Given Moments For Evangelism

Believers are called upon to live with a heavenly mindset, which reminds them that they are destined not for this world but for eternity in the house of the Lord.
By: Robert E. Zink
August 12, 2024

Two Required Elements For Fulfilling The Great Commission

The heart draws us nearer to the Lord, and by doing so, draws us to participate in God’s plan . . . in this case, the Great Commission.
By: Robert E. Zink
August 5, 2024

The Art Of The Handoff

Evangelism and discipleship, then, are not only about a single handoff, as crucial as one handoff is, but about seeking to hand off the faith to those who will “teach others also.”
By: Dr. Jay Mosser
July 29, 2024

Evangelism As The Heartbeat Of A Vibrant Church

What is a healthy church? This question has found its way into many of my projects in recent months.
By: Robert E. Zink
July 22, 2024

Treasuring God's Word

Many homes have several Bibles. In a worldly sense, its value is no different than any other book of mass distribution. Yet the Bible itself testifies that it is THE truth, the very Word of God. The Lord Jesus—in a rebuke of Satan in the desert—quoted . . . man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God
By: Eric Mock
July 15, 2024

The Art Of The Question In Evangelism

Because we are unsure of the questions or challenges that may come our way, we may be hesitant to engage in an evangelistic conversation fearing that we may not be able to answer them. Learning to answer questions and challenges with questions will change everything.
By: Steve Van Horn
June 13, 2024