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Regional Fellowship
IFCA International is spread throughout the US and the world. Regional fellowship is a means to accomplish our mission in local areas. Regions are meant to build, strengthen, edify, and equip local churches through the provision of fellowship, counsel, cooperation, and encouragement.
Why Meet Regionally?
The IFCA does not exist for pastors to find friends for coffee. Rather the IFCA exists as a means of encouragement and a more effective means for all of us: men and women, lay and vocational people, individuals and churches, to join together in common bond in order to have fellowship, to provide counsel, and to cooperate together and thereby strengthen one another in the Lord’s work.
What's the purpose of regions?
Our regions exist to do 3 things:
Fellowship with one another
Provide counsel and encouragement
Cooperate in advancing the cause of Christ
What do regions provide?
IFCA regions provide the following:
Tools & strategy to congregations for evangelism, church health, and church planting.
Support and mentor pastors in their ministries and personal life.
Help congregations find pastors.
Ensure high pastoral standards through licensing and ordination councils.
Who leads regions?
Regions are led by local IFCA members and supported by the IFCA Internationalhome office.
How do you lead a region?
Download our handbook to understand our approach to regional leadership
IFCA has 32 active regional areas. Review the maps below to see what region is near you.
Western Regions
The map below contains the 18 active Regions of IFCA International lying West of the Mississippi River. Click on one of the shaded areas to learn more about that region and connect with its leader.
*NF = Non functioning region
Eastern Regions
The map below contains the 14 active Regions of IFCA International lying East of the Mississippi River. Click on one of the shaded areas to learn more about that region and connect with its leader