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IFCA: Our Mission

At IFCA International our desire is to help you proclaim the gospel, equip yourself with Scripture, and defend your faith.

IFCA International was founded in 1930 and our history is rich with an emphasis on a profound love for Christ and the Gospel, obedience to His Word and allegiance to historic fundamental doctrinal distinctives.

What is Our Doctrine

"Since our Christian faith is derived from God's Word, Bible doctrine is the backbone of our faith. As Paul wrote to Timothy (2 Tim 2:15), we must be careful to be precise when studying God's Word! True Bible doctrine must be an accurate reflection of what the Bible says." -
This We Believe Study Guide
Read Our Doctrine

Read Our Constitution and By-Laws

"We do therefore, on this Twenty-sixth day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1930,form such a bond of fellowship and cooperation, as is set forth in the Constitution which follows, into which we heartily invite any and all churches and groups of believers, who share with us the same faith and doctrine. " - Preamble To the 1930 Constitution
Read Our Constitution

Historic Resolutions

IFCA International has sought to maintain a biblical foundation over the decades of its existence. As such IFCA International has supported a number of resolutions in an attempt to hold firmly to the biblical fundamentals. Below you can find a list of our past resolutions.
Read Past Resolutions

IFCA's View on Marriage

The Biblical teaching on issues of human sexuality and marriage is the final word regardless of what any human individual or human institutions, organizations or groups might contend. There is no authority that can supersede, countermand or preclude the teaching of the Word of God.
Read Our Statements

The Nature of Saving Faith

The doctrine of soteriology (salvation) is one of the most precious doctrines in all the Word of God. At the same time it is one of the most debated and misunderstood doctrines. In an effort to clearly state IFCA International's position on the nature of saving faith, a group of scholars was commissioned in 1990 to meet for the purpose of creating the following position statement.
Read Document

Learn About Our History

The “Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy” in the 1920s caused many congregations to withdraw from their parent denominations whose leadership departed from their historic doctrines contrary to faith. This gave the churches reason to “come out from among them and be separate,” (2 Cor. 6:17).
Read Our History
The IFCA Logo showing a Bible sitting on top of a pillar