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Am I Called (Part 2)

There is a bible opened up and it is sitting on a desk with a black background

By: J. Neukam

September 4, 2023

Have you ever heard Christians say things like, “God called me to this job” or “God called me to pay it forward?” Or what about, “God is calling me to be a missionary to ______”?

While I don’t mean to minimize God answering prayer, leading us by His Spirit, or the opportunities He gives to serve and bless others, we oftentimes misuse and thereby perhaps misunderstand the actual calling of God in our lives. In Part One, we looked at the primary usage of the word “calling” in the New Testament. God, by the work of His grace, has called us to Himself through so great a salvation in Christ!

But the Scriptures also teach of a missionary calling. Acts 13 and 16 can help us both define a call to mission and help identify if God might be calling you into this glorious gospel ministry.

Do you have an invitation from the Lord?

This might seem a silly thing to ask as all in Christ are partakers in the gospel (Eph. 3:6), and all of us share in the responsibility of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). So, yes. We all share the responsibility to preach Christ.

However, Acts 13:2 tells us that two specific men, Paul and Barnabas, were “called” by the Holy Spirit to the “work” of the gospel, charging the church to set them apart and release (send) them for what we know today as missionary service. This same definition of calling can also be seen in Acts 16:10, where Paul said, “God had called us to preach the gospel to them.” While travel was involved, the focus of the calling was on their work and their ministry.

God doesn’t call us to a geographical location. He calls us to the gospel.

But how does this happen? Knowing the will of God can seem quite subjective. After all, you won't find a verse that says, “Set apart insert your name here for missionary service in insert country name here.” Here are some questions that might help you begin to discern if God might be calling you.

  • Before you try to understand the hidden will of God, are you following what God has already clearly revealed? (1 Thessalonians 4:3)
  • Is your mind continually being renewed by God’s Word? (Romans 12:2)
  • Are you satisfied in God and desiring to serve Him in this way? (Psalm 37:4)

Do you have an invitation from your local church?

Acts 16:1-2 tells us Timothy was “well-spoken of by the brethren” in his local church and neighboring communities, affirming his capacity for Christian service. Your local church knows you well. They recognize and understand your strengths and weaknesses better than a mission organization will. Look for God to use your local church to discern and affirm your giftedness, faithfulness, and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Do you have an invitation from a missionary?

Acts 16:3 says, “Paul wanted this man (Timothy) to go with him…” While a missionary invitation isn’t a command, it is a common story. Many missionaries are where they are because another missionary invited them to join.

Has a missionary invited you to join them? If so, you should pray. If not, try inviting yourself and see what happens. It might just be that God would open a door and use you in mighty ways to herald the gospel of Jesus Christ in the remotest parts of the earth. Perhaps God is calling you!

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