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Authenticity In Evangelism

There is a bible opened up and it is sitting on a desk with a black background

By: Andy Overly

June 20, 2022

Deconstruction - how does one get from orthodoxy to ambiguity? Recently I have been reading the musings of one of my former pastors, now a deconstructionist. Ouch! For him, leaving behind a belief in a literal hell and the inspiration of Scripture seemed right in the end. However, true believers clinging to counterfeits of biblical Christianity first turned him away. And truthfully, sometimes I express heady words but display an empty heart. So, this young man,  threw out the whole roll of bills when he saw genuine truth bundled among counterfeits.

His response got me thinking. What if deconstructionism could help me (and you) see where we lack authenticity? Though meant to be deconstructive, I noted several things in his writings that were instructive about authenticity. Consider the following points.

In the authentic church, the fruit of the Spirit is visible; in fact, it shines. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, meekness, gentleness: is it shining in our churches? Counterfeit fruit (or the works and attitudes of the flesh) can often cause people to disregard the truth we teach.

In the authentic church, we note OUR sin, mourn and repent. In contrast, sometimes, we have a penchant to attack and condemn sins that we think do not resemble us and decry how they cause our country’s demise. As a result, a smug self-righteousness can germinate in us. Remember that the church’s sin, not the world’s sin, dilutes the gospel.

In the authentic church, transparent growth is nurtured, so hypocrisy is not. We don’t want to create a condition where harboring sin becomes a means of survival. What are the repercussions for admitting sins and voicing them aloud? Sin has a cost, and true repentance courageously embraces consequences. Nevertheless, the church is about sanctification, not condemnation. Growth requires an ability to express needs honestly and find loving, ongoing help and accountability to grow.  

In the authentic church, reality is essential, not window dressing. We are affluent and opinionated; our thoughts on garb, decor, style, Bible versions, and programs can control us. But, as they take center stage, a hollowness of meaning can develop that we might not see, but others do.

In the authentic church, hermeneutics is a honed skill that allows God’s Word to speak truth to us. Rather than teach doctrine like dogma, we learn how to study the living Word of God accurately, and its truth comes to light and envelopes us. Semantics, perhaps, but we must beware of teaching truth from our doctrinal statement rather than from the Bible. The Bible is living and active; our commentary about it is not.  In the authentic church, love doesn’t turn away from need. My years in the rescue mission taught me that often I am scared of and disinterested in the spiritually and physically needy, not engaged and loving them. How different this is from what God displayed and intended for us.

In the authentic church, our identity is in our Savior, not in our political party. It's incredible how our lives and earthly loyalties spawn attitudes and words that are inconsistent, unChristlike, and saltless. Authenticity is a powerful, life-changing, evangelistic tool. Let’s unbundle the counterfeit qualities from the truth. Because it is Jesus, the Truth, that we want others to see—not our poor imitations of religion. So, God, help us to be authentic!

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