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Pressing On With The Gospel: A Testimony From Ukraine

There is a bible opened up and it is sitting on a desk with a black background

By: Eric Mock

October 10, 2022

We are reminded in God's Word of this simple and important perspective: When all seems to be against you, when all is hard, press on. But not just soldiering on and keeping a stiff upper lip, but a pressing on towards Christ that we would leave the old behind and be made new in Him. This pressing on is in the face of great resistance, persecution, and temptation. The apostle Paul writes, "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:13-14). Paul leaves his past behind, both good and bad, and in the face of significant troubles, presses on in serving and seeking to know Christ and make Him known. In the same way, in whatever a faithful believer encounters and what hardship they face, they press on in Christ. Christ is our goal, Christ is our promise, and Christ is our strength.

Pastor Vasily is a Ukrainian pastor in Crimea. The Russian government took control of Crimea in 2014, yet many Ukrainian pastors remain and struggle in their ministry. But they press on in Christ and for His glory. He shares, "Our ministry in the third quarter of this year was also not much different from the previous one, primarily because of the hostilities in Ukraine. Unfortunately, there is a war going on. We cannot be calm when thousands of people, including children, are dying in our country. Many people were left homeless, without clothes, without food, and means of subsistence. I think you all know this and are also not indifferent to everything that happens there. Every day, we continue to meet with the brothers to pray to our Lord that He will have mercy on our people and stop this horror. In turn, as a church, we try to provide financial and material assistance to brothers and sisters, and simply to people who fled the war zone. Several such families still live in our area. But, by the grace of God, we are alive and continue to serve both in the local church and our entire Crimean brotherhood."

Vasily has both remained faithful since 2014 and is brokenhearted as so many suffer. He and his church press on, they serve locally and then assist all the "refugees" that come into their region. Despite all the challenges, Pastor Vasily continues to find ways to advance the message of the gospel to all. He adds, “In past years, we held blessed children's camps in the open air, in nature during the summer. But in recent years, due to the increased, sometimes unrealistic demands of the new authorities, we were forced to cancel such camps. Yet this summer, we held a day camp for children in the church, where there were also several children from unbelieving families, and this, in recent times, is a rarity. Despite all the worries and difficulties, by the grace of God, His church is alive and continues to work for His glory."

There is joy in pressing on towards Christ with the confidence in knowing He is with you. There is peace in His power and promises. And although the circumstances can be overwhelming, God will lead us as we faithfully serve Him and follow Him. Press on my friends towards the upward call of Christ Jesus.

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