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Make Time To Talk About It

The default position is to let evangelism slide to the back of our priorities in life.
By: Paul Seger
October 31, 2022

Evangelism As An Ethical Obligation

What is ethical is not a matter of personal preference but the Lord's teaching according to His Word.
By: Robert E. Zink
October 17, 2022

Pressing On With The Gospel: A Testimony From Ukraine

We are reminded in God's Word of this simple and important perspective: When all seems to be against you, when all is hard, press on.
By: Eric Mock
October 10, 2022

The Language Of An Evangelist: How We Speak To Unbelievers

Words are critical to communication. It does not matter the form or method, all communication deteriorates without the appropriate word choice.
By: Robert E. Zink
October 3, 2022

The Language Of An Evangelist: How We Speak To Unbelievers

The Lord's bestowal of language on humanity causes gratitude to overflow from my heart.
By: Robert E. Zink
September 26, 2022

Please Lord, Not Her, Not Today

Preparing ourselves for whatever we may encounter, using the time we have on this earth for something profitable, not wasteful.
By: Ron Barnes
September 19, 2022

Are All Catholics Deceived? (Part 2)

There are people who are devoted to God but do not know Him personally because religious leaders conceal the source and authority of truth.
By: Mike Gendron
September 12, 2022

Are All Catholics Deceived? (Part 1)

Truth always exposes deception. Have you ever realized that you could be deceived and not even be aware of it?
By: Mike Gendron
September 5, 2022

When Sharing The Gospel, Know You Are Speaking To A Fellow Sinner

We live in an era when sin is being redefined and denied. Because of those attitudes, we cannot assume that every person knows that they are a sinner.
By: Robert E. Zink
August 28, 2022

The Idleness Of Busyness

In our busyness, we've lost the urgency of the gospel.
By: Robert E. Zink
July 25, 2022