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Exposing The Darkness

We feel the darkness; it's the midnight hour, be it the blackened cave of Hollywood, oppressive government, liberalized educators, and mandating employers. Praise be to God for the reminder that nothing's new under the sun.
By: Tony Wood
December 7, 2021

Does Your Evangelism Need To Be Infused With Kindness?

Kindness has a practical effect on our evangelism, compelling us to evangelize more.
By: Robert E. Zink
November 29, 2021

Psalm 96 As A Model Of Evangelism: Simplifying Our Task

Yes, the world is a BIG place. But we must keep in mind that it is God’s place, above all. As such it is not “mission impossible,” but rather mission accomplishable.
By: Dan Fredricks
November 22, 2021

The Overwhelming Task Of Missions & The Need For Effective Evangelism

Evangelism can be intimidating. World missions can be overwhelming. When Jesus commissioned us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel,” He set before us a monumental task.
By: Dan Fredricks
November 15, 2021

Quit Viewing Missionaries As Missionaries

Stewarding our missionaries has a very real and meaningful impact on our gospel witness.
By: Robert E. Zink
November 8, 2021

Assessing The Church's Missions Program: An Overlooked Element

When it comes to missions, our goal is not to take advantage of what God gives us but instead to leverage those gifts, using them resourcefully, responsibly, and resolutely.
By: Robert E. Zink
November 1, 2021

Assessing Modern Missions: Creating A Mission Plan

If all mission programs looked like ours, would the Great Commission ever be completed? This question is the primary means by which I evaluate the effectiveness of missions, whether at my own church or when consulting with other churches.
By: Robert E. Zink
October 25, 2021

Redefining Missions: Evaluating The Missions Program

We are not called to be God's professionals but God's apprentices. We love Him, learn from Him, and labor for Him.
By: Robert E. Zink
October 18, 2021

Ears Up: The Importance Of Listening In Evangelism

Our poor listening will not prevent God from doing His work through the gospel in His timing, but our poor listening can cause an unregenerate sinner to turn a shoulder and walk away – and unnecessarily so – from our gospel presentation.
By: Jesse Randolph
October 11, 2021

Assessing Modern Missions: Should Your Church Cancel Its Missions Program

Is it time to cancel the church’s missions program? The emphasis on programs and the rise of missions organizations is influencing the function of missions.
By: Robert E. Zink
October 4, 2021