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The Eschatological Gospel – Come!

Mankind is helpless in a lost condition at enmity with God. Yet, in Christ Jesus, there is a personal invitation and divine rescue from sin provided for in Christ Jesus.
By: Dan Fredericks
June 10, 2024

Migration and Movements: An Evangelistic View of Immigration

Ultimately, the prominence of this issue means that immigration is a debate worth being addressed biblically by the church.
By: Robert E. Zink
June 3, 2024

Shifts in Missions: What It Says About the Local Church

What does the global church have to say about the local church? That question feels a bit like asking, “What does Athens have to do with Rome?”
By: Robert E. Zink
May 30, 2024

3 Conversations You Should Have With Your Missionaries

The call to be a missionary is a unique call, and because it is a distinctive call, it necessitates unique actions from the church.
By: Robert E. Zink
May 23, 2024

Ask The Question: 21 Conversation Starters

Sharing the gospel is intimidating, and being prepared with prompts can help you share if you are willing to be used by God.
By: Robert E. Zink
May 6, 2024

Self-Imposed Barriers Of Evangelism: Limits Of Creativity

There are various ways we impose barriers on ourselves. Sometimes, we convince ourselves that we aren’t able to evangelize. Sometimes, we reason away the need.
By: Robert E. Zink
April 22, 2024

Self-Imposed Barriers of Evangelism: Limits of Disobedience

The church was dying. More steeped in tradition than Scripture, it was failing to meet the heart needs of the people.
By: Robert E. Zink
April 15, 2024

Self-Imposed Barriers Of Evangelism: Limits Of Activity

I often tell people that my greatest weakness in ministry is often me. I am sure that many of us feel at times that the greatest hindrance to accomplishing something is ourselves, and this proves true in ministry as well.
By: Robert E. Zink
April 9, 2024

Train Yourself for Godliness

God has designed our bodies to respond instinctively to a variety of situations.
By: Paul Barreca
April 1, 2024

An Unalterable Need: The Thinking Christian

“I think that one of the problems for you, students is that you are not thinking about this material outside of class." That was the rebuke one of my professors recently gave to my classmates and me, and it was a point well taken.
By: Robert E. Zink
March 25, 2024