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We often spend more time trying to figure this mystery out than we do getting ourselves ready for what He might have planned. In fact, I’m fairly confident, sometimes He is actually waiting on us to ready ourselves before He directs us.
By: Ron Barnes
March 18, 2024

More Than Useful, Is It Truthful?

"It may be useful, but is it true?"
By: Robert E. Zink
March 11, 2024

Why Believe? Because God is Useful?

Because we live in a culture that constantly asks, 'What's in it for me?' sometimes we need to address that in the gospel, perhaps more clearly and frankly than we sometimes do.
By: Robert E. Zink
March 4, 2024

One Outreached Hand Away

By: Ron Barnes
February 26, 2024

Because Persecution is Increasing, You Should Be Encouraged

Persecution. The mere utterance of that word has the potential to deflate any conversation because it is a word that scares.
By: Robert E. Zink
February 19, 2024

A Place for Small Talk: Purposeful and Profitable for Evangelism

We use our conversations best, then, by using them for the Lord's purpose, which is to accomplish the Great Commission.
By: Robert E. Zink
February 12, 2024

Have You Considered the Opportunity Cost of Your Conversation?

When we choose to talk about the weather, sports, or some other fleeting topic of the day, we may be missing out on an opportunity to share some truth about God.
By: Robert E. Zink
February 5, 2024

Reciprocity: Leveraging Social Constructs to Further Christ's Kingdom

Reciprocity is a social convention that establishes and strengthens relationships, and because it is deeply ingrained in our society, we can use it to leverage opportunities to share the Gospel!
By: Mark Organ
January 29, 2024

God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called

‍I've often heard the saying, "God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called." While this is overwhelmingly true, we can misuse it in a negative sense
By: Caleb Hilbert
January 22, 2024

Filling the Gap in Leadership with One Task: Discipleship

Make disciples, and in doing so, watch for leaders. The Lord is always faithful in His work, so let's be faithful in ours.
By: Robert E. Zink
January 15, 2024