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The Challenge OF Disciple Making: Changing The Priority

The Great Commission is a text that infuses both purpose and satisfaction into the believer’s life.
By: Robert E. Zink
January 16, 2023

Stories From The Field: Great Commission Strength During Hardship

Too often, we can be so overwhelmed with the hardship and suffering we are facing that we cannot see a path forward.
By: Eric Mock
January 9, 2023

The Benefits Of History In Our Evangelism

As Christians, our goal is not winning arguments but displaying God's truth through thoughtful and biblical answers.
By: Caleb Hilbert
December 26, 2022

The Dark Marks Of Evangelism #4: Direct Proclamation

Sometimes, we forget that our role in evangelism is not to save people.
By: Robert E. Zink
December 19, 2022

The Marks Of Evangelism #3: Christ-Centered

There are many messages being proclaimed. Some messages are anti-Christian, not by their explicit declaration against Christ but by their implicit denial of Christ’s truth.
By: Robert E. Zink
December 12, 2022

The Marks Of Evangelism: God-Directed

A ministry of evangelism is always God-directed
By: Robert E. Zink
December 5, 2022

The Marks Of Evangelism: Prayer Initiated

Prayer precedes evangelism
By: Robert E. Zink
November 28, 2022

Living With Hope

Christians, we always need to focus our eyes on our eternal hope. Let us keep trusting our Lord and his word alone because our hope will soon be the reality.
By: Shuji Kondo
November 21, 2022

Which Comes First?

So, which comes first? Should believers be so moved to declare the gospel that the establishment of a church is merely the fruitful byproduct of evangelistic enterprise? Or should believers engage in a strategic campaign of establishing churches as centers from which evangelistic enterprise can effectively penetrate local harvest fields?
By: Henry Vosburgh
November 14, 2022

Praise The Lord! Evangelism As An Offering Of Praise

If we pause for a moment, a short meditation upon what happens when we evangelize will reveal that evangelism is converted into praise because of the way it exalts the Lord.
By: Robert E. Zink
November 7, 2022