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On Not Leaving The Gospel Empty

If any one of them lacks, then the gospel becomes an empty gospel, absent of something that we would expect to be part of it.
By: Robert E. Zink
May 9, 2022

A Motive For Compassion: They Have No Shepherd

We have no reason to wonder why Christ was filled with compassion when He saw the people's lack of a shepherd.
By: Robert E. Zink
May 2, 2022

God Is Sovereign...So Why Share The Gospel?

So, acknowledging that God is sovereign, why should we, as followers of Jesus Christ, share the gospel? If the deck is already stacked (so to speak), why share?
By: Jesse Randolph
April 25, 2022

The Gospel Of Salvation And Sanctification

The Lord sets our agenda and defines our ambitions. Let us not forget then that the Lord has equipped us with a gospel that is sufficient not just for salvation but sanctification.
By: Robert E. Zink
April 18, 2022

Brothers At Arms

Many of us would love to see our churches be places where this kind of deep love and affection is on display between one another, and we often plan fellowship events to help foster that kind of love.
By: Kenn Chipchase
April 11, 2022

Knowing Christ To Preach About Knowing Christ

Evangelizing is a difficult task because it is an intimidating task. Yet, the Word of God provides confidence and help for the witnessing believer.
By: Robert E. Zink
April 4, 2022

The Wise Design Of The Great Commission

Our Lord is exceptional. His attributes and actions inspire awe and compel worship.
By: Robert E. Zink
March 28, 2022

Ladder Logic

Using the faithful illustration, I decided to take it a step, or rung, further. I began to contemplate why ladder logic should be avoided—especially when it comes to laboring in God’s harvest-ready white fields
By: Ron David
March 21, 2022

Authority For The Great Commission From The Author Of The Great

What we believe about Jesus Christ and His lordship is revealed by how we respond to his authority.
By: Robert E. Zink
March 14, 2022

Affirming Christ: The Testimony Of The Church In Evangelism

The Lord indeed tasked each individual with a responsibility for the Great Commission, and sometimes we undertake that task on our own.
By: Robert E. Zink
March 7, 2022